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Prevent Future Health Conditions With GeneticTesting (VIDEO)

By 6:40 AM ,

genetic testing and why it's important for determining your owner's manual.  We live in an environment that's light years ahead of our genetics and we're working to catch up adapt if you will to the certain environmental factors that we have but knowing a little bit about our genetics can help us determine what types of nutrients we might need and what types of foods we may or may not beable to process.  Has anyone out there ever went on a juice fast or startedeating raw or vegan and felt horrible.  Well for a lot of people you might have the genetics that you might not be able to process certain foods, for example there are a lot of people out there who have a mutation called the cbs mutation a whole beta CBS try to say that fast three times CBS this system by own beta place that is a genetic mutation that does not allow us to process sulfur containing items. So sulfites in wine, you might notice you can't drink wine, or another thing isbroccoli, onions, garlic all of those guys, great foods, always on the list of things to eat healthy wise but if you have a CBS mutation you might not be able to process these, and the worse it becomes as if you have two mutations, a double mutation in the CBS department and so eggs arealso an issue for these folks and two that's one big thing to kind of keep in mind wow ok well those are critical components to your owner's manual knowing what he can and cannot digest genetically.  COMT another type of genetic mutation it is called. . . say that three times fast so the comt mutation is a mutation that affect sour processing of dopamine and norepinephrine those feel good neurochemicals and sometimes if we're eating too many berries so those dark purple red berries are looking at blueberries and cherries raspberries black berries someone might you know going to binge on those cause lets face it those are delicious and here in the Pacific Northwest they grow wild and for a lot of people in the summer time that is it be fabulous treat, blueberries also a great thing here in the Pacific Northwest but also something that can be problematic for folks with the COMT mutation and so if you ever wanna juice fast then you hit up the Berries really hard or you're doing the Paleo diet or a low-glycemic diet ok I'm gonna cut off all those other fruits but I go right for those berries and then he started feeling horrible and your moods were all over the place maybe you ended up with four years and agitated that is a reaction of the phenols in those berries and that is a clear indicator a comt genetic mutation and so you can see these types of things are really critical information to know to be able to determine what we can and cannot eat or if you can get it how might you get around that sure we do get a little food how do you get around it so you don't feel horrible the other side of this is another genetic mutation called MTHFR mutation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  that's a mouthful that one is in charge of processing folic acid now a lot of our dark leafy greens have something called folate that is a natural occurring form of folic acid, but most o four breads, cereals, milks, they're all fortified with something called folicacid prenatals have folic acid why because we're working to preventspina bifida because folic acid is use dreadily in the body to help with cellular divisions, so cellular repair andif we had children born with spina bifida that wasn't a good thing and so what the body or sorry with the government did was they fortified all of our cereal bread you name it pretty much anything processed that comes in a box even organic items are not free from the fortifying folic acid and so never the less, folks that have this mutation and in particular two copies of this mutation have a difficult time processing synthetic folic acid and it can lead to a host of symptoms from fatigue to brain fog to aches and pains to just a general sense of not feeling well and so there's multiple components that are in a act here in our scientific world fancy foods and lab foods that unfortunately are affecting this negatively but there's also you've seen you talk about just a few minutes ago berries and broccoli and garlic and onions can also cause trouble and so for a lot of people it's hard to stand a healthy diet if you eat healthy foods and you don't feel good and this is why genetic testing can be extremely beneficial to guide you in the right direction in terms of hmm should you be avoiding certain foods or are the recert a in things you can do to get around those reactions that your body has to those certain foods.  So, I'm doctor Jannine Krause, this is a little tidbit on genetic testing by no means is this comprehensive because there are a lot of genetic tests out there that can give you a host of information about your body but genetic testing is a key component to let you know a little bit about foods and how digest them help certain chemicals interacting your body but also medication also certain types of risk factors that you may have in your genetics and then that way you know you have those risk factors you can work to prevent those certain things from coming up in your future that's a great way to get on top of your owner's manual and have those as part of it to keep you on the right track keep you healthy I'm Dr.  Jannine Krauseepisode on genetic testing stay tuned for more great information on how to create your owner's manual thanks for watching

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