How to Know if You Have Cancer - Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy
Ty Bollinger: Dr. Connealy talk to us about cancer detection, about different diagnostics for finding out if you have cancer. Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy: Yes. Today, more than ever, people are scared and fearful of cancer. And they want to know because their sister, their brother, their uncle, some family member has had cancer. Or what I find is, multiple people they have encountered in the last year or so or more have had cancer and they’re afraid of getting it. I say, "well, first of all you just don’t get cancer. Second of all it’snot contagious. " But we have unbelievable ways to discover if cancer is occurring in your body. So first and foremost a doctor just like myself can order some blood test. One is the CRP. The C Reactor Protein. So when I have a patient that has high C Reactor Protein, I say "okay, let’s take some fish oils and see if we can get it down. " But you’ve got to change your diet because that’s also lots of unfavorable diets cause inflammation. Ty Bollinger: Okay, so CRP measures inflammation. Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy: Inflammation. So then I’ll tell them and I’ll go, "okay, in two months. . . I’m going to give you two months, and we will repeat it. So if it doesn’t go down then I usually go looking for cancer. So I have certain methodologies that I can determineif cancer. First of all there’s one test called the cancer profile. The cancer profile has been around for over 20 years and it detects if you have cancer, in early stages. It’s about 93%, 95% accurate and if I want to repeat it three months later to see if it’s accurate again, then I’ll repeat it. If the patient is concerned or the patient wants to know then I’ll repeat it. Ty Bollinger: Does the cancer profile test have anything to do with the stem cells you were talking about earlier?Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy: No, we’ll talk about that in a second. So the cancer profilewill determine three kinds of HCG. HGC, a lot of people have heard of. If you’ve been pregnant you know about HCG because that’s the hormone of pregnancy. Then it also is the hormone of malignancy. So, the cancer profile detects two different blood markers of HCG and one in the urine. It also does an enzyme called PHI. PHI is an enzyme involved in anaerobic. . . anaerobic means no oxygen; without oxygen. So, if that activity of that enzyme is elevated you have a cancer environment. It also checks for a liver function test because your liver is your organ of detoxification. It checks the thyroid, because low thyroid the higher the risk of cancer. DHEA sulfate which is your hormone of stress, immune, and longevity. If you don’t have good adrenal gland function you can’t handle the stress of whatever stress it is. And it also checks CEA, which is a non-specific marker for mini-cancers. So it’s a great investigative tool because cancer, as again, just doesn’t happen in your body. From one cancer cell to the tumor is 10 years. So people can prevent cancer and this is what I tell people. Prevention is priceless. Because it’s very easy to treat early cancers. It’s alot more work to treat stage four cancers. Can you treat them? Absolutely, but it’sjust a lot more work for me and the patient. Ty Bollinger: Somebody earlier in the series said that "an ounce of prevention’s not worth a pound of cure, it’s worth a ton of cure. "Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy: It is. It is. I can’t tell people that enough. Now, so that’s one blood test. Now, it doesn’t tell me where. But I can usually figure that out too. So the second test I do is something called the ONCO blot® test. All malignant cancer cells make a protein called ENOX2 protein, so that determines if you have that and where it is. Unfortunately, the only downside about that is it probably get it at year six. I want to get it in year one or two or three. Now, there is something else you were talking about earlier. The circulating tumor cells or stem cells. You can do that blood test also that will tell. . . Circulating tumor cells are cells circulating from the tumor site and you can have that even if you have a one millimetersize tumor which is undetectable by ultrasound or MRI, circulating in the blood and that’s what’s responsible for 95% of metastasis and 90% of deaths from cancer. Ty Bollinger: Metastasis is the spreading? Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy: Yes spreading. Ty Bollinger: And that’s what causes the death is the spreading of the cancer. And you can detect it with this test? Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy: Yes, exactly. Now,there is another bioinformational test called the Bioimmune Survey. You have acupuncturepoints on your fingers and toes that correspond to every organ in your body. A doctor by the name of Reinhold Voll (v-o-l-l), very famous physician and physicist who determined this. He used to teach the courses hands on, then that information was computerized in something called the BiomeridianMachine. There is another machine called Vega Machine. And these machines will determineearly on if cancer is brewing, simmering, or fermenting - whatever word you want to use -in your body. And you can reverse that and turn it around by the proper nutrition, the proper. . . I call foundational products and there’s targeted products that you can use to help rid your body of cancer. I’ve been doing it a long time, and you would think "well why doesn’t the world know about this?" Health is a secret. But that is changing thanks to people like you and thanks to people like all the people that are around trying to disseminate this information and transform the world. Ty Bollinger: Thanks to people like you. Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy: Thank you.