Diabetes : How to Lower Blood Sugar Naturally (Video Inside)
Welcome to the VitaLife Show I'm doctor Janine Bowring naturopathic doctor and today topic in the show is diabetes and how to lower your blood sugar naturally so this is a question that comes up a lot here on the VitaLife Show in your comments and thank you for that and all you do leave your questions and comments below and you know how do we do this naturally with the great news is that we can do this naturally with her diet or exercise in taking right supplement help to naturally lower our blood glucose levels so first and foremost the diet now watching those high glycemic carbs so what does this mean that means you know really sweet food so whether it's fruit juices even their healthy they really do spike our insulin levels as well as you know the tropical fruits unfortunately yes they're very delicious and yummy but they do raise our insulin levels things like mangoes pineapples bananas very high on the glycemic index and something that we should be avoiding if to manage our blood glucose level now exercise really does help so doing cardio vascular and weight training exercises really does help to keep your insulin in check and this is really important if you go to any doctor no matter where they are in the world they will tell you that exercise really does help to manage your diabetes so this is really important there's no way around it unfortunately you have to get moving and this you'll see the result in your blood glucose level that you're being monitored that you will see a drastic reduction this is really important for you to know just do something it makes me love it because if you're in if you're exercising you don't love what you're doing you won't stick with it so find something that you love to do and do it often now there are some great supplement that people you know they don't really know that can really help to drastically reduce blood glucose levels and and manage the insulin one my favorite is magnesium so taking the right type of magnesium and here at VitaTree we have a special type of magnesium bisglycinate and this magnesium what it does is help with the function and the utilization in insulin in the body so this is remarkable at what it can do in terms of managing that diabetes so standard dosage one two 2 capsules a day sometimes we increase the dosage so two capsules two to three times a day depending on you know how out of balance those blood glucose levels are so that's really important for you to know check that out VitaTree Magnesium at vitatree. com as well as essential fatty acids research has shown that essential fatty acids help to manage our insulin levels so here at VitaTree we have our famous VitaFish Oil so do check that out also at vitatree. com very special type of fish oil higher in the DHA as opposed to the EPA which makes it very unique and delicious so they taste like orange candies you'll absolutely love it and now VitaDetox, now detoxification is really important for diabetes sufferers and the reason for this is that you have to get all the toxins out of the internal organs whether this is the digestive track as well as a pancreas the blood system lymphatic system the liver, the kidneys everything works in concert together if you think about it all the internal organs to keep you healthy unfortunately because we're exposed all these toxins that becomes a problem and a burden to the body and often the drugs as well unfortunately they cause toxicity in the internal organs so diabetes you know if this is a problem whether the drug induced from from the drugs may be taking or because the poor life style and diet it's really important to detoxify and the VitaDetox will do that all in one bottle so easy to take you don't need to drastically change your diet when you doing the VitaDetox and that's why people absolutely love it as well thanks for joining me today please leave your questions and comments below be sure to Subscribe to our channel so that you always so Click up here so you always get our newest and latest uploads here on the VitaLife Show a bout how to be your healthiest you. Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @VitaTreeand remember that your health is in your hands you have the ability to live a very healthy and VitaLife check out our other videos here on the VitaLife show as well so you're gonna click up here this is all about detoxification so going into more depth as to why we all need to detoxify and to do it regularly if you click in the middle here this is all about our great facial exercises which are so famous hereon the VitaLife Show how to stay youthful and young and looking absolute best and doing it naturally and click down here for probiotics and probiotics are really important for your digestive health it actually helps your insulin as well so do check that out. Thanks for joining me today