7 Tips For Better Sex
- I'm Vanessa Marin, a Sex Therapist and these are seven ways to have better sex. ("Moving South" by Warner / Chappell Production Music)Develop a better relationship with your body. So many of us struggle with negative body image but it's really hard to have a hot sex life if you're constantly criticizing your own body. Focus on the pleasure, forget about the cellulite. Let go of shame. Whether it comes from our parents,our culture,our gender,our religion,we all have hang-ups about sex. You may not be able to let goof every single negative message you've ever heard but just knowing that sex is normal, natural and beautiful can go such a long way. Get better at communicating. Sex is hard to talk about. I wouldn't have a job it it wasn't. Practice asking for what you want,asking your partner what they want and giving feedback. Be a respectful and generous partner and expect the same in return. Whether you're having casual sex or in a committed relationship,we could all stand to be better partners to each other. Always be experimenting. It's fine to like what you like but try to seek out new experiences on a regular basis just to shake things up. Slow down. We're all so busy these days that we treat sex like another item to cross off our to do lists. If you wanna have a great sex life,you have to make time in your life for sex and actually savor the experiences that you do have. Have fun. Most people take sex way too seriously. It's perfectly fine to laugh during sex. It's okay to joke around. It's okay to be silly and playful. Sex is meant to be enjoyed. ("Moving South" by Warner / Chappell Production Music)(bell rings)