WHO: Q&A - Zika virus prevention through mosquito control (Video Inside)
The Zika virus spreads mainly through the bite of the Aedes mosquito. This species was Aedes aegypti and this mosquito prefers to breed in and around your house. This mosquito Aedes aegypti is very well adapted mosquito to an urban environment. It breeds in and around your house, it breeds in empty plots,it breeds very well where there is a small quantity of stagnant water. The most important breedings sites are of course drums, used tires,bottles and other wastes stored in the dump yard which gather water during rain. The mosquitoes lay eggs, about 200 of them, once in three days. Eggs of Aedes mosquitos can remain dry and stick to your containers. So essentially, it will important that when you clean your containers you must scrub it, that will remove all the dry eggs. The eggs can remain dry almost a year and hatch when it becomes in contact with water. The adults mosquito prefers to bite more people instead of a single individual,it likes to bite more people. Above all, it a day biter. So all this compounds the fact that this mosquito is active when we are active and transmits the diseases to more people in the community. People can protect themselves from mosquitos by first of all by personal protection by wearing essentially by using repellents when they go out or in the house which can be applied on the body or on the clothes. Secondly to make sure that your house is fully protected from mosquitos by either closing yours windows or using windows screens and thirdly to make sure that there is no breeding site in and around your house.