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Medical Center Tips

home remedies for pneumonia cayenne pepper cayenne pepper helps the body released Lucas from the respiratory tract which makes it easier for the patient to breed fill a jog with 215 own leaders have water add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and sprinkle a little cayenne pepper drink the water at least four to five time severy day carrot juice in a juicer make some carrot juice about 3-4 carrots sprinkle some cayenne pepper fenugreek team fenugreek helps remove toxins from the body through perspiration it also helps clear any congestion in the chest take 500 no leaders have water in a pan combine one teaspoonful of a new group EADSbring it to a boil constrain at about 1 teaspoon every woman's use engine comps minimum four cups in a dog karlagarlic is very hard for the body and therefore helps reduce the body temperature while steamy leave you with a bad breath it will help clear the chest and lungs steam bath take a steam bath fill a bucket of water with some hot water and put in a few drops any essential oil that you may have around the house such as tea tree lavender camphor or eucalyptus close the bathroom door and inhale the vapors are this teen by covering her head with a ten-hour as you sit near the back it up water with your head went about it sesame seeds this kitchen essential can work miracles but in a tablespoon sesame seeds to a couple boiling water once they are soft add 1 tablespoon flax seeds and boil for another five minutes or so strain the water combine a pinch of salt and a teaspoon honey for a better taste J this every morning on an empty stomach saltwater gargle with salt water at least three times a day it will help clear the respiratory tract and clear your chest of any path Black Seamake a cup of black tea combine in three teaspoons a senior Greek seed powder and 1 teaspoon of honey or sugar as per your taste mix well injury the steam room in a day ginger great a piece of ginger and extract its jusblend one teaspoon of honey and a few drops of lemon juice in have this every day before going to bed turpentine and camper massage next turpentine oil and camper in a bowl and apply it on your chestgently massage the oil on the skin put on a sweater potassium brought potassium is good for people suffering from pneumonia as it helps repairing the lines tissues one must have as much potassium as possible during the entire spell ammonium

Oh hi babes! There is a sexual paradox in relationships that kind of frustrates me. In the beginning there's the honeymoon phase, everything's wonderful and exciting and new. . . and you want to have a ton of sex all the time.  One or two years later though, you drift into companion ate love.  Your lives are more intertwined, you're emotionally connected, you're secure,you're comfortable.  It's during this phase that people slowly start to have less sex,and they might even find themselves becoming bored with it.  I mean, you still love them right? But you're just not quite as excited about it and people even find themselves thinking about other people, what it would be like to sleep with someone new.  It's natural because repetition and familiarity are the exact opposite of what excites most people sexually.  Novelty,adventure, newness, mystery - this is where many people find their erotic kicks. It’s completely normal to have less sex over time.  I think we have a real problem with pathologizing desire.  If you're happy and your partner's happy then you don't have anything to worry about.  So, how does one go about getting that spice back?The usual advice that’s shilled out is to spice things up in the bedroom.  This is actually scientifically backed.  The reason we feel less excitement over time is because repetition means less and less dopamine in the brain.  This is something called “hedonic adaptation”. You could try things like role play, introducing sex toys, talking about your fantasies, acting out your fantasies, playing with sensations, playing with your food, tantra, that kind of thing.  But it's not just sexual stuff that can give you that same dopamine rush.  People get a rush out of all kinds of things.  A beautiful view, a physically demanding activity, going to a rock concert, traveling to a new place together.  If you make a point to indulge in things that are new and exciting and unexpected with your partner, it will help you associate those feelings with them. Another idea that I think is pretty effective is to break up the repetition of your relationship with a little bit of distance and independence.  Exist as a separate independent ass person!Spending time apart is a good idea! Just enough to break the cycle.  You know that old saying"Absence makes the heart grow fonder”? I think that's always true! People really do always want what they can't have. Another idea is to try to see each other in new ways.  Start a creative project together or take a class together. At this point in the video a guy on the trail come up to me to show me pictures of trains and my camera slipped out of focus and I didn't catch it.  Oopsie. As I was saying. Another way to do this is to embrace the moments where your partner is really entrenched in something that they love.  For instance, say your honey is a musician.  Watching them play for a crowd can be hot. My last suggestion gets into some serious business.  People love freedom.  Freedom is sexy.  Feeling confined and stifled is not sexy.  As your relationship progresses, you may find it beneficial to talk about allowing each other more sexual freedom.  The first thing that usually comes to peoples' minds is swinging or threesomes, but that's really just one end of the spectrum.  I know a couple that allows each other to go out and dance and flirt but no sex.  It invigorates their sexual desire which they then bring back home to each other.  And yet another couple where anything goes so long as it's only 1 time,and it doesn’t happen in their home.  You can talk about what you’re comfortable with and what you need and go from there.  I think that sometimes just knowing that you have more freedom even without acting on it is enough to make you feel more reinvigorated again.  Of course, the viability of this option depends on how you and your partner think about sex.  Rethinking the sexual boundaries of a relationship can be a scary thing! Itrequires an open mind, and trust and honesty and lots of communication and A LOT of emotional maturity.  And even with all those things, it’s still not for everyone! It can bring up feelings of jealousy and inadequacy and so forth.  It requires a little bit of extra sensitivity and delicacy, I think. OK so obviously, all of this assumes that you actually want to be in this relationship. It’s possible to be bored in a relationship itself, and I think that's different than just one aspect of the relationship (like sex). So babes I hope some of these tips are useful in some way.  Before I go, two things.  One,I'm going on tour, check out the tour dates below.  Number two, shout out to Audible for supporting sexed on youtube! If you haven't heard of them, they’re the biggest audiobooks hub out there.  In preparation for this video, I listened Mating in Captivity by Esther Perel. Really interesting exploration of couples that are dealing with this problem. . . . I don't know if I fully agree with some of the things that she has to say but it's certainly something to think about.  Audible is great for these kinds of books because you can listen to it with your partner - maybe while you're making dinner or while you're cuddling in bed.  They were also kind enough to hook all of you up with a free book so you can listen to it if you're interested.  It's at audible.com/laci! That’s audible. com/l-a-c-i.  Since everyone spells my name wrong.  Sending you all healthy relationship vibes! I'll see you next time. 

- Hi babes! Truth, pulling out can be a very effective form of birth control if it's done properly. Also truth, the vast majority of people do not do the pull-out method properly. Humans, you know, we're just flawed creatures. Well, with the exception of Beyonce and baby Leo. For a couple that uses the pull-out method correctly every single time, four in 100 become pregnant within a year. That means with perfect execution of the pull-put method, it's 96% effective. That's a better success rate than pretty much anything I've attempted in my life. Even though it has the potential to be 96% effective,it is actually in the real-world only about 73% effective. Slightly more than one in four couples who use this method become pregnant. That's a lot of oopsies. You maybe ask yourself, "How the (bleep) does"someone mess up the pull-out method?"The first common mistake is not properly handling the pre-cum. So in preparation for ejaculation a fluid called pre-ejaculate or pre-cum is released by the Cowper's glands. Pre-cum does two things, it neutralizes the urethra so the sperm can survive, and it also slicks things up so that it's easy for the semen to go through. For most people, their pre-cum does not contain any sperm. That's right! Vast majority of people do not have sperm in their pre-cum. This isn't even a megaphone. I don't know what I'm doing with my life. What can happen though is the pre-cum can pick up sperm that's already chillin' out in the urethra from a previous ejaculation. An easy solution to this that's not full proof but definitely helps is to go pee before you have sex. The second mistake however is the real down fall. This how people get pregnant. A lot of folks, they're like, "Yeah, I got this,"no big deal, I'll just pull it out. "but then the moment comes where you're getting toward orgasm and it's like (mumbles). And oopsie. Accidents are very common. Just like my magical multiple orgasms video,you need practice, you need to be able to understand your body, and you have to have a lot of self control to be able to execute the pull-out method properly. Third mistake is still managing to get ejaculate near the vagina, even though you pulled out. So somewhere around the vulva, the outside part. You can still get pregnant this way. The sperm just like, they're on a mission and they will find their way. So, who is a good candidate for the pull-out method?Monogamous couples who have been tested for STDs together. Even though the pull-out method can help to lower the odds of getting pregnant,it does not protect you against sexually transmitted infections. Couples that know each others bodies well,have experience with each other, and have a good amount of self control. If you and your partner decide that this is a good method for you, be sure to practice with a condom on a few times to make sure you got the timing down right. Couples that have been together for awhile and trust each other. Pulling out requires a lot of trust. You are relinquishing your birth control to your partner. If you don't quite feel comfortable with it,a partner who loves and respects you will gladly wear a condom so that you have peace of mind and can enjoy yourself. Not so good candidates for the pull-out method would be folks who are a little bit less experienced sexually. You know, maybe they've only been active for a few years. New couples, couples who haven't been tested together. Also, anyone who uses, "Don't worry, I'll pull out. "as an excuse not to wear a condom. So, if you find yourself thinking right now,"Hey, this might actually be a good"method for my partner and I. " you can make it more effective by combining it with condoms. You can actually make the pull-out method more effective by using it with any other method of birth control. It'll make it that much stronger. In the event that an accident does happen,emergency contraception is a good backup. Take it as soon as possible. Okay, now you know the gospel truth about pulling out. The short version is, don't rely on it unless you know what you're doing. If you're gonna have unprotected sex anyway,it's better than nothing (chuckles). Any further questions, you can send me a tweet at go green 18, I know I'm confusing and sometimes leave things out. So feel free to send me anything that you think of there. Have fun, stay safe, and I will see you next time, bye bye. 

So, what are the top five ways we can prevent heart disease? Well, there's lot's of ways to prevent heart disease and that's the good news.If we want to just hit some of the main ways, we can can talk about five great starting points. 

One would be to increase the amount of cardiovascular exercise we do. If you're like most of us, we don't do enough of exercise in our daily life and doctors recommend five to seven days of exercise where we do half an hour a day and get our heart rates elevated. It doesn't really matter what type of exercise, so you could do what exercise is best for you. As long as you're getting your heart rate up and getting a little sweat going, you'll be sure to be improving your heart health.

A second way we can improve our heart health would be to improve our diets. Most of us don't have the most heart-healthy diet and some basic things that we can do would be to make our diets more Mediterranean. That would be to eat more fresh fruit, vegetables, white meat, fish, and to reduce the intake of processed or packaged foods. Another area to avoid would be what I call the three F's; no fried food, no fatty food, no fast food. If we do that and don't drink our calories, we've come a long way to make our diet more heart-healthy.

A third way to improve your heart health would be to see your doctor regularly. He or she can go over with you some of the lifestyle modifications we can make to improve overall heart health. They will also check your blood pressure and measure your cholesterol and treat those if necessary.

That leads us to our fourth point, taking your medications regularly. Your doctor may prescribe medications to reduce your blood pressure or lower your cholesterol and taken regularly, those can dramatically improve your heart health.

A fifth way, which is often overlooked, would be to reduce the amount of stress we have in our life. I think for a lot of us, we walk around with pretty high stress levels, and don't take the appropriate time to de-stress or relax. This can be some pretty basic techniques, like taking 30 minutes to an hour each day where were just sit quietly and partake on an activity that we enjoy. It can be more formalized relaxation methods like yoga or meditation or even just taking a nice long walk. So these are five basic ways that we can all improve our overall heart health.

So the good news about heart disease is that a lot of it is preventable. There are some basic things we can do in our everyday life to help reduce our risk of heart disease. One would be to increase our cardiovascular exercise. So that means daily exercise, 30 minutes to an hour each day where we get our heart rate up. Another would just be making healthy choices when we eat. Those healthy choices would be to reduce our intake of saturated fats and cholesterol to less processed foods and more natural choices. 

A third thing would be to stop smoking. That's often easier to say than it is to do but it makes a huge impact. And lastly, leave some time for relaxation and to destress. A lot of the choices we make with our diet aren't the most healthy. They're the fast foods or the processed foods. A lot of them come wrapped in plastic or in cans or would be difficult to identify by our grandparents. I call that the grandmother test. If your grandmother couldn't recognize it as food it's probably not a healthy choice. 

Another great thing to do would be when we shop to stay in the periphery of the supermarket. A lot of the healthy foods like the fruits, vegetables, fresh meat, and fish tend to be centered around the outside of the supermarket. Whereas the center aisles tend to have the stuff we should probably stay away from. These are some basic ways we can reduce our chance of getting heart disease.

The Zika virus spreads mainly through the bite of the Aedes mosquito. This species was Aedes aegypti and this mosquito prefers to breed in and around your house. This mosquito Aedes aegypti is very well adapted mosquito to an urban environment. It breeds in and around your house, it breeds in empty plots,it breeds very well where there is a small quantity of stagnant water. The most important breedings sites are of course drums, used tires,bottles and other wastes stored in the dump yard which gather water during rain. The mosquitoes lay eggs, about 200 of them, once in three days. Eggs of Aedes mosquitos can remain dry and stick to your containers. So essentially, it will important that when you clean your containers you must scrub it, that will remove all the dry eggs.  The eggs can remain dry almost a year and hatch when it becomes in contact with water. The adults mosquito prefers to bite more people instead of a single individual,it likes to bite more people.  Above all, it a day biter. So all this compounds the fact that this mosquito is active when we are active and transmits the diseases to more people in the community. People can protect themselves from mosquitos by first of all by personal protection by wearing essentially by using repellents when they go out or in the house which can be applied on the body or on the clothes. Secondly to make sure that your house is fully protected from mosquitos by either closing yours windows or using windows screens and thirdly to make sure that there is no breeding site in and around your house. 

Hello friends, Generally people stops eating foods for weight loss but its not a right approach for weight loss.  Its actually unhealthy way. In this video we well share a 1000 carlorie diet plan for weight loss which will help you in weight loss as well as keep you healthy will all essential nutrients. so lets start First meal be early morning snacks Tak 2 High fiber digestive biscuits with 1 cup Lemon Green Tea You will get 55 calories from this diet. 2nd meal will be Breakfast You can have 1 bowl of Poha or up ma and sprinkle flex seeds on it Also have 1 cup skimmed or double tonned milk with it. this meal will provide you 330 calories. 3rd Meal will be Mid Morning Snacks You can consume 1 apple or orange OR. . . any other season fruit but try to avoid sugary fruits like mangoes, banana, grapes etc. this meal will provide you 50 calories with lots of fibers, vitamins & minerals. 4th meal is Lunch Here you will consume 1 medium bowl of Brown Rice OR2 Indian Bread or rotis made of mix grains with these consume 1 medium bowl cooked lentils or dal,1 cup low fat yogurt and 1 cup vegetable salad where you can add cucumber, carrot, onion, tomatoes etc. With this diet will get 330 calories. 5th meal is evening snacks.  Take 1 apple or orange with 1 cup Lemon green team and 2-3 high fiber digestive buiscuits this meal will give you 110 calories. Last meal of the day will be Dinner. consume 1 large bowl of broccoli or cauliflower salad You can add some more vegetables in it like spinach, carrot, tomatoes etc. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of flex seeds too on it. and also drink 1 glass low fat butter milk with it. this meal is of approx 150 calories. With this diet plan you will get 1000 - 1100 calories in a day which is which is ideal for weight loss and which include required protein, vit, minerals etc. and thats why its a healthy diet plan too. So, friends start following this diet plan & add at least 30 mins workout session in your daily routine. . for customized diet plan you can this video